It has been a wonderful year 2010.
I started working in a new institution in January.
Also my first year when Darling was away for work, so I spent a wonderful birthday with my girlfriends. But Darling, being Darling as always, surprised me at work with a very beautiful bouquet of Lilies. :)
As a birthday present, Darling brought me to Shanghai to visit the Shanghai World Expo. It was an eye opener as it was my first trip to China (Hong Kong is definitely not typical China).
Both of us went to Maldives, somewhere we always long to go, where we got engaged.
And my sister told Darling, "Thank God she said YES". Because she kept the secret for months!
Then we went to Hong Kong where we both visited the prestigious TVB office for the first time (and maybe the only time we could get in), saw many Hong Kong artists and watched a show live at the TVB studio.
Hired a wonderful wedding planner to help us along the way.
And then I got promoted after only working for 10 months in the organisation. I have so many people to thank for recognising my work and contributions. I felt so honoured to now be able to be part of the Murdoch University family.
I also had lobster for the first time in my life. Darling brought my parents and his parents, when they met for the first time for dinner at this wonderful seafood restaurant at Kayu Ara.
Started renovation of the family home for the wedding, when Darling's sister asked the contractor to do a special parking place for my car. Awww.... :)
Saw sooooo many teddies in Midvalley! Did you?

And the other day, we were so hungry after gym that we bought donuts! A bit wrong, I know ... but so delicious!

For the first time in our lives (and also the last), Darling signed off our wedding band while my sister and I sipped orange juice on the sofa.

And my sister and I tried on this ridiculously expensive dress in Miu Miu. We were so excited that the dress was so cute until we saw the price tag: SGD1800.

Then, for the first time in my life, I literally shouted at the store assistant at Apple Store for giving me the wrong information. I guess I wanted to buy the gift for Darling so much that I couldn't take the news of being cheated. But anyway, the Apple store assistant also gave me more wrong information, being that the product was indeed available. He didn't know that it was available. -_____-
I felt a bit guilty for shouting at someone, thinking that I would give the person a bad day, so I apologised to him for being so loud earlier on. He smiled at me and also apologised for giving wrong information. :/

THEN, I went home, was so excited to show Darling his New Year gift. THEN, he told me he already bought a wireless one with separate docking. -________-!!!!!!
So there you go, that's how 2010 has been for me.
This year has been wonderful. I guess some things happened that sucked but I forgot. It's ok, I would only want to remember the beautiful ones. :)
How was 2010 to you? :)
Happy New Year 2011, peeps!