Sunday, November 15, 2009

My Bloody Experience

It was a fairly normal weekday for a Friday. Went to the HR Department to settle some stuff which caused a major misunderstanding and had me going to the clinic for something. Not really major stuff though.

So once the misunderstanding was cleared, I made my way to the Science preparation laboratory, where the Science lecturers and lab officers are stationed at. Checked a few stuff on the University intranet.

Then, I spotted Mr Tian having the Biology practical session with his students. So, being the curious one (and busy-body), I watched the students doing their experiments through the glass panels.

But something caught my interest as I saw one big group of students gathering at the teacher's table in front. At the same time, Tian spotted me. So, he came out and we chatted for a while. He told me that the students were doing the "blood type experiment".

Then I thought "Hey... I never knew my blood type! Can you test for me?!"

I popped into the lab and observed the students for a while.


I couldn't wait any longer so I asked... "can jump Q ah?"


It was my turn on the table with the science kit.

I was pretty nervous even though the officers told me that it wouldn't hurt.

So, I tried to act cool. But deep down, my heart was pumping real fast.


In less than 5 seconds, I could see blood dripping... in tiny dots of course.


See See See!!! So to all Science people outside there who can decipher this... which blood type am I??

Yeah... I am in the Type O positive category. Hehe

Now it is confirmed that EVEN THOUGH I look different from my sisters but we have the same gene OK!


After that, as expected, I jammed all the way back to KL due to the Friday traffic.

Like what Princess Audrey would say in her blog... FML. Hehe! I love her blog! She's cute :)


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