Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm Enlightened!

Alright, that was a big word to use. . . ."Enlightened"

It has been a few months since I shifted to my dad's place in Bukit Bintang. I have my own room now.

Since young, growing up with the rest of my younger sister, I have never had a room to myself before. Thus, I'm used to sharing spaces with another person.

The good thing about shifting to my dad's place is that I have my own space at every corner of the house. I make full use of it to an extend that my dad started asking me to stop invading more things into the house. >_<

First thing I did was buying a hand towel for the kitchen.
Note: It is pink

This is one of the few mats I bought.
Note: Red+White

More women's magazines.
Courtesy of Darling

If it was my dad alone, it would only be that tiny green pillow at the corner.
So I bought another 2 colourful ones.

Nice right?!?!?!?!?!

We need more colours in the house to cheer us up!!


Anyway, it doesn't really matter. My dad's used to have a lot of girls at home.

What? He has four daughters, his wife and his mother staying under one roof!

Oh no, we don't really give him trouble.

Except when it was to the time when he fix the bicycle, he asked my sister to get the hammer, my sister brought the screw driver. (....)

And when he had to do most of the manly things at home, he started to grumble.

, when we are hooked on to Wah Lai Toi on Astro and series like Desperate Housewives, he bought another TV. That is why my house has two television sets.

Because my dad is a good man. He doesn't fight with us. . . .

OK la
, he always lost. Because we'll turn back the channel at all advertisement breaks when he watches National Geographic!

So what are the final girly touches did I do?

I bought this!

Cute, no? :D

As I said.... You know now why I said I was "enlightened"

yalar yalar laugh all you want...because I'm afraid of the dark.

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