Friday, May 8, 2009

I can't wait to accomplish several things I hope to do in life. I am so eager to go to the next phase of life. But at times, I ask myself if I am ready to face the next challenge that is ahead of me.

The next phase of life equals a higher level of difficulty.

Part of me tells me to face everything by challenging it because we never know until we try. The other side of me ask me to slow down and take things step by step.

My current life has been quite stable compared to the life I had when I was still with the media agencies. Both gave me the sense of fulfillment. But the latter had more excitements and challenging late nights.

My love life? Great if not better! He treats me like a princess. A pampered princess. Many people find me very pampered, showing tantrums whenever I like... he still finds me interesting.

So, that's just about it with life is it?

I always said I want to do something different, something exciting with my life. But I haven't - due to my current workload and financial crisis, which bores me.

I tend to get bored so easily, eh?

As my friend commented.. "very the susah la you.. what you want?"

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