Sunday, May 3, 2009

Phi Phi Island Trip - Part II

I just couldn't take it anymore!

I have written about 2,000 words and I really need a break.
So, I'm here :)

I haven't finish my blog on the rest of the trip, so here you go!

And so we traveled back to Krabi on my birthday :)

Before I forget,
Thanks SO MUCH to everybody who have left me messages and those who tried to call but couldn't get me!

Well, the thing was that I didn't bring my phone. I just wanted to have a real vacation without thinking about anything else but the presence of those around me, the sea and everything there. So, I left by leaving Darling's contact number with my parents and sisters
(in case of emergencies).

I didn't even wear my watch and have lost the sense of time when we were there.

The feeling of not having my mobile phone and the watch was a very new feeling for me. At first, I was agitated to keep looking at the time, to check if we're late... but I got the hang of it by just going with the flow of doing whatever that we feel like doing at that moment.

You know what?
It feels great!

Because some of my girls were just looking at the mobile phone most of the time... as well just stay at home and continue working, right? Well, some of their jobs are really it's different.

Anywayyyy, we check-into this really beautiful resort in Krabi.

We stayed in
Sofitel Krabi Resort

Isn't it amazing?!

The Luxury Room

I swear to God those are really comfy mattress and sheets!
One of the best!

... and the adjoining room next door :)

a really gigantic pool, by far the largest in Thailand!

The picture above was only
HALF the pool. Can you imagine that?

We did go to Ao Nang, a town in Krabi.

Can someone please tell me what looks so fantastic about that town by looking at the streets and row of shops in the picture above?

Because I

But Ronald is really Thai....

Nonetheless, we booked up the whole parlor and each of us had a massage

After the Aloe Vera Massage (good for my sunburn!), I had my

I so love my nails!

The next few days were spent lazing in the hotel because I didn't feel like going to Ao Nang for shopping.
What's so special anyway?

They only sell stuffs I've seen before in Bangkok and it is easily available in KL. Nothing surprising.

Even the Resort has better things for me to get entertained!

Plus, it's free! Well, some of them. :/

But anyway, if want to save money, stay at home, OK?
I always believe that vacations are suppose to be relaxing and comfy (when we can afford it).

If you disagree, it's because we have different concepts to the term
So stop arguing with me.

So we fine dined at the
Venezia Italian Restaurant at the resort

Did some cycling!

We tried strolling along the beach but hey, it was really difficult because the sand was so soft

Look at Darling!

We also lazed around the pool

And I had a blast birthday!! :)

My friends sang me a song and actually gave me a nice present

Look, it is made out of coconut shells :)

If you could remember, Darling said the champagne he bought is my birthday present.

After my friend sang me the birthday song, I opened their present... and suddenly Darling said,

"Hey, look underneath the chair! A rat left something there!"

... maybe not exactly in those words but I remember he said
rat. Haha

And we both looked underneath and saw this really nice
golden yellow box with a cute pink ribbon!

Aww... he really knows my taste :)

I was trying to open the box without untying the beautiful ribbon

and when I finally did it....

I was speechless. :)

As you can see, I was too busy to look at the camera

He wrote me a really sweet card :)

and then Darling said "yeah.. OK...that's all...that's your birthday present"

But it has always been my habit to really check and empty the box

Cheeky Darling taped something at the
bottom of the box!

So I opened it and I couldn't believe my eyes

The cover of the card was covered of pictures of both of us :)

and it just got me speechless when I opened the card

I was a little bit confused at first, so we had a little

but got really happy when I found out what my birthday present was :)

Isn't he the sweetest :)
I could just feel love around me... my darling, my friends were there with me.
I feel so blessed.

We popped the champagne!

The following night, we lighted my wishing-lantern by the beach

I was thinking about what I would want to wish because it was going to be really meaningful for me.

As it was my birthday and my first lantern ever.

So, I wrote this:

and let it to the sky (even there was a little turbulence)

it flew up really high into the sky. I was really happy it did :)
The next morning, Darling ordered me room service - Club Sandwich!

The Sandwich and the fries were fabulous.
Of course, I didn't finish that by myself.

Before I know it, was time to board the plane to fly back home.

The weather was really great and the pilot flew across Melaka.

Can you spot the Avilion Resort down there?! :D

I would like to thank my girls for the wonderful trip together.
It was amazing!

I'm so happy to be able to discover that part of the world together with all of you!

and last but not least...

Thank you Darling, for the wonderful trip and planning the sweetest birthday celebration/gift for me ever.

You just never fail to put a smile on my face :)

and yes, I do believe in fate since you came into my life :)

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