Monday, December 8, 2008

Etiquette At the Mall

The Malaysian Saving Sales has started! I asked a very random question while having a discussion with my students a few weeks ago in a tutorial class.

"When will the Year End Sale start?"

They laughed.

Very funny mer?

This is the occasion when we can all buy with good bargains OK! Talking about stretching the dollar. :S

OK OK, lame... whatever you say, I am still going to continue.

I have been on a few warehouse sales which came endlessly as the year approaches to its end. Seems like Malaysians have yet to feel the recession. Or, we are just very smart shoppers who don't buy when we go to malls, but will flock to all the warehouse sales we can find? All thanks to SNS, they always keep me posted on their website. It is now like a forum inside there.

I tell you, they are super-duper efficient. Women can declare war against each other when it comes to cheap bargains and we can be good friends when we all get the equal chance to get good bargains. Blah. We are just interesting, ok?

In the SNS website (look at my shopping link on Shopping and Sales), you get lots of replies, comments and price lists for warehouse sales!

I went to the FJ Benjamin Warehouse Clearance at Parkroyal Hotel last week and was super satisfied with my buy. Thanks to updates by fellow SNS fans. I couldn't make it as the early bird this time around (having been the first few to get in for the pass 2 sales), because I had an early class that day. So, we decided to go in the evening. I logged in at 3pm to check on the comments about the sale and was happy to see a price list already! Well, not just this time. It happens all the time. :)

Back to the actual thing I wanted to post today, I realise a lot of annoying shoppers since that start of the Malaysian Crazy Sale. Lets called it MCS. All malls, shops and even those little stalls at the walkway join in the sale.

When it comes to this time of the year, we would experience crazy people as well. Crazy and annoying.

1)Walking with big actions

Eh please, when you walk, can you please observe if there are people beside or at least in front of you? Some people can walk and talk and have really big actions. When you walk pass them, their big fat hand will just slap across your body! As if their hands are numb, they would just proceed walking and talking in their own fantasy world, walking pass you without apologizing.

2)Walking with or without their child

I know a lot of us would love to bring the children to the malls to keep them entertained, buy them something and make them happy. But some crazy shoppers can forget about their child, leaving them on the strollers or with the maid outside the malls. Then, they would let their child run around... I nearly walked into them even though I am super short. Do you know this is dangerous to children or not!

Some crazy people even bring their child to warehouse sales. You'll see innocent eyes that tell you "why are there so many people in this cramp room and lots of smelly armpits and smelly legs one?"

They look so lost! Poor children! Eh hello, if you have no one to take care of your kid, just don't go to the sales la! Or ask somebody to take care of them outside the vacinity where people go crazy in the buying area. Got common sense or not? How selfish can a person be just for sales? No money to buy at the original stores for the original price? Then just pay for cheaper brands. Why let your kid suffer?

3)Low-class behaviors

I absolutely look down on those that jump Q. Since young, our parents, relatives, tuition teacher, art teacher, piano teacher, baby-sitters all teach us to line up. Who comes first stand in front, who comes later stand behind. Correct?

Sadly, when it comes to sales and good bargains, some people do not observe these rules. It seems that the older we get, the more ignorant, selfish and forgetful we become? Do we? Do we?!?!

Yes! Some fellow friends of ours out there do!

Audrey and I were at the last FJ Benjamin sale at Parkroyal Hotel. We were the first 5 people lining up at the door. While we were munching sandwiches brought from home (we are healthy ok), an aunty came along, walked passed all five of us and stood at the 2nd spot. Right behind the first person at the start of the line. What the heck?!

Of course, the 3rd person told her off!

"Excuse me, we were here first, the line end there." she said while pointing to the end of the line. By then, there were about 15 people.

The aunty walked off, obviously unhappy...and stood in front of me!

And she said "I was here at 7.30am you know! Because I went to park my car at Lot 10, the Isetan there, that's why I'm here a bit later!"

Hello? Who cares if you park in Lot 10, at Louis Vuitton, Mahathir's house or Isetan? You come late, your business la!

Didn't give a damn.

"Aunty, I am queuing." I said...tried very hard to be polite and since she is a bit elder, I gave a forceful smile.

She gave me an angry look, walked passed Audrey and I and stood behind us!

Well, she was lucky the Malay lady behind us let her stand there.

Suddenly, Audrey and I heard her saying out loud.

"Next time, warehouse sales like that should only be limited to Platinum and Gold card holders. Those with Silver cards or without credit cards should NOT be allowed to come."

!!!!!!!! Hello?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!

Being me, I turned to Audrey and said "Hey, I thought those with Platinum and Gold card holders should go to the shops and buy the new arrivals? We have no money, since we're SILVER card holders. That's why we're here!"

Audrey nodded in agreement. So thus the woman in front.

She kept quiet.

Low class aunty.

Next time when we grow old enough to be called an aunty, please do not behave like that. Never! So what if you have millions in your bank account? So what if you're drop-dead beautiful even you're 50 years old? If you behave with low mannerism, you suck!

4) Toilet

OK, I'm just trying to rub it in. I still do not understand why some women would want to stand on the toilet seats or make them wet or not flushing after using it?

Firstly, if you stand on the toilet seat while doing your business, you'll spoil the toilet bowl. Secondly, you'll dirty them! Why?!!! It is meant for sitting! Why don't you just stand on the chair at your dining table and eat while you stand? Why don't you stand when you're in the LRT and not trying to snatch sits from those that need it? Why not you just stand on your sofas when you watch TV?

You'll be asking me, "You crazy or what?"

Eh, it is the same theory ok. The toilet bowls are made for us to sit on it. And if you stand or squat on it, it applies to the rest. Be it a sofa, dining chair or a simple chair. Get it?

For those that wet the toilet bowls, please wipe them before you come out. You like sitting on wet toilet bowls meh?

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