Thursday, November 5, 2009

Magic Box

Happiness doesn't always come easy.

Sometimes, you have to earn happiness. You sacrifice and gain it through.

When I just started dating Mr D, I was on semester break and had a lot of time to spend in the kitchen.

I had the privilege of preparing his first ever lunch box! :)

Photo credit: Mr D's FB

So happiness does come in a box too!

Today, I prepared something in a bag.

See this very cute Media Prima Screening 2010 bag?

It had some goodies inside Darling brought home for me.

But I prepared another lunch box today! After so so long :P

Stir fry pork + vege with belacan + rice

Mr. D had an appointment today. Thus, the lunch box was for me :)

p/s: I'm off for a day trip to Melaka tomorrow. Photos when I come back!



Vivian said...

Hi, Miss Lee Sa have a nice trip~

Little Rascal said...

Hey was a great trip :)