Tuesday, November 3, 2009

There are a lot of philosophies in life. A lot of reactions. A lot of sarcasm. Tonnes of opinions. Guidelines given by your predecessor. Books for reference. A religion to follow.

Then, we have our parents and teachers to look up to. Some of us have bosses to answer. Boyfriends/girlfriends to listen. Friends to gang up with.

When I wanted to study Media/Communication/Advertising, a lot of people from various relations told my mom to not let me do so. Reasons being that I will either end up rebellious like most advertising people in the industry, end up being weird and the aristocrat behavior of wanting to be different.

Creative is the word.

But people do not understand what is it like to be creative. So they think tattoos equal gangsterism, guys wearing pink suede jeans reads weird and people with big ideas only have a head too big for little dreams.

But I am happy I made it a point to study what I love and lucky to have my mom nodding in approval. If not, it will be one of my biggest regret not exploring something I have passion in.

Then, my sister got an offer to be an air-stewardess with Singapore Airlines. Some people are happy for her. The rest of the people, aunties and uncles had the same idea that it would be so stupid of her to leave University for a job which equals to waitressing.

"Tell your sister, and don't even encourage her OK? Air-stewardess is not a permanent job...you'll be expired and it is just like a waitress. Just that you're one class higher because you're waitressing on air."

But I sat down with my sister and asked if she really wants it. She said she is serious about it, so I asked her to give it a try. It's better to try and know it for herself. If life is just about a pre-planned route... it'll be such a bore. You'll grow old thinking what would it be like if you have accepted the offer by Singapore Airlines.

What if you fail trying? Then learn from the lesson and that's how people mature and become wiser. Because you go through things and learn from them.

There are so many people questioning and telling you thing along the way. All you need to have is faith and passion.

I still remember how my mom told me about people being successful in life. Like Michael Jackson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Nicole David and the famous Char Koay Tiaw seller. They are successful because they did something they really love. Something they feel strong about.

With that strong passion and a lot of faith, that fire in you would push you further. And that is how some people do something extraordinary yet fantastic. But some people don't. All because of that strong passion.

Yes, it is so difficult trying to be a good human being.

All we need is being humble. Put your ego aside. Stop being ignorant.

Take one step back, listen, absorb, digest and learn.

Listen. Because it is part of learning.
Absorb. Think if whatever you listen is what you think right.
Digest. Put yourself in and see if it applies to you.
Learn. If what you listen should be taken as part of your life.

To you, I may be the weirdest person you have ever met. But hey, I am doing my part and my very best. Sorry to make you feel that way. I would have God to answer to if I did something really wrong.

To you, thank you for backing me up with very much love and positive support. I am thankful for having you in my life. For that it makes things easier and possible for me.


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